4:52 PM


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Last week activies

--> esk mlm dah nak balik kluang.apok tumbang sekor lembu.so kenala balik nolong.hope this year boleh kasik ong sama kitorang.angah pun pregnant.aku pun dah lepas dah bebaN,so tahun ni shoot the moon,hopefully kena sharp kat bulan.

-->mula2 kena kasik terima kasih kat mak apok aku kos give moral support. mmg gua takkan lupa lu orang punyer jase..chaYOk!.

-->24 hours this year mmg akan dimaksimoskan sebaik mungkin.jgn collapse sudahlah.

-->just found out that be able to describe something to someone that is hardly to understand giving me tremendous statisfaction!

-->get involved with someone that are different levels and profesions plus not knowing anybody before really give me a kickstart

-->dapat tengok magic face...so relieF

-->get ready to get weT!!!! and wait for me July!

::wis me lak ::

4 Responses to "maksimOs"

  1. Tupperware.Best.Price Says:

    eii aku tak paham laa erti entry ko yg nih...citer pasal apa nih weihh

  2. Anonymous Says:

    aku pun tak paham apo nih...

    -->just found out that be able to describe something to someone that is hardly to understand giving me tremendous statisfaction!

    -->get involved with someone that are different levels and profesions plus not knowing anybody before really give me a kickstart

    -->dapat tengok magic face...so relieF

    -->get ready to get weT!!!! and wait for me July!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    apo maksud di sebalik nih... tlg cetia sket..

    -->just found out that be able to describe something to someone that is hardly to understand giving me tremendous statisfaction!

    -->get involved with someone that are different levels and profesions plus not knowing anybody before really give me a kickstart

    -->dapat tengok magic face...so relieF

    -->get ready to get weT!!!! and wait for me July!

  4. nurhanna Says:

    maksimoS (memaksimakan pontetial)

    utk jawanpan 1-- aku jadik cikgu tuition kat bebudak kecik

    utk jawapan 2 -- bila aku join PROMUDA team a.k.a Projek Tekad

    untuk jawapan 3 - bila aku dapat tengok muka orang yang paling aku chenta happY

    untuk jawapan 4 -- kalau jadikla..n kalau dapatla kan..nakla sambung master..itupun kalau dapat la..pointer aku bukan hebat sangat macam pointer orang lain..tapi hopefully dapat aku wat master tahun nih :)

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