1:13 PM


today genap 3 years i've been with my company.. but on this day,i felt something missing becos of my best officemate mr.teo is going to leave this company and will be joining motorola..so hari nih aku nk citer pasal teo..

dia orang yg first aku kenal selain scott and amy masa memula keja kat sinih..so sejak dari awal lagikla kitarang kamcing..and biasalah..kalau dah ca ya nun alif,mestila bm tak berapa bagus kan..tapi mamat nih tak..fluent..kemdian mestila aku bujet kiasu..tapi tak..walaupun dier nih nampak kelam kabut sket..tapi diala byk tolong aku in many ways..escpecially benda2 yg mmg aku tak minat langsung macam kena amik tau latest techonolgy..dier la source aku for the latest info..hehehehehehhhee...mamat nih mmg sincere habeh..aku rasa dengan aku je kot dier berani ckp pasal gaji la..increment la..keja ler.. etc etc

so hari nih dier dah kuar la dari 'comfort' zone..aku wish dier all the best..n hopefully dier dapat apa yg dier nak..sbb dier claim kat sini tak ckup 'pressure', dier suka environment yg betul2 keja..unlike me aku suka environment aku skarang..thee hee heee....so adios my good frends...sob sob

3 Responses to "motorola"

  1. Tupperware.Best.Price Says:

    teo yg buatkan idop aku merana kejap pasal filter function..tp dia bes..bley mintak tolong laa..

    all d best gak to teo

  2. azmizin Says:

    teo=beh fren mior..anyway, ana, kalau ko tak cukup pressure meh aa sini..byk mende aku leh kasi..wakakakaka

  3. nurhanna Says:

    hahahahha..touching jugaklah semalam..time nak balik tu..aku rasa opismate2 aku yg lain macam rapat je..hehehehheehe

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