Overall..bolehla kalau nak makan sekali sekala..
Besides Sate Hj Samuri at Kajang, there are lots of places you can eat at Kajang. One of them is "Station Kopitiam" located at MetroPoint near the Hospital Kajang, which being Kajang's new landmark...
I'd the opportunity to eat there since I'm a food lover and I like to try new places to eat. Not bad la, the place is very comfortable, convenient, and very privacy. Sitting there like i was sitting in the first class express train. And here is what i ate
The food is good, the serving is fast..but only one thing that I regret...the waiter! aaa please la..put some deodorant la.....smelly la..I'm bit of losing my appetite but I was so hungry I telan je la..and why the management have to hire bangla as the waiter a..I don;t mind he/she bangla or what so ever, but make sure the waiter/ waitress can speak and understand Englishla..baru boleh amik order..isk isk isK
That's is my final project 2 new title after my last presentation of 3D visualization of high- rise building in WebGIS. At last!. So far the comments is more into my report formatting.But I'm so grateful that every effort and time i've been sacrifies to complete my master is worth it.
dedicate to : my mOm lovE u
This are the list of products produced by Dutch/Belanda
(taken from http://www.muslimconsumer.org)
1. Dutch Lady - Susu
2. Ferrero Roche - Coklat
3. Wall’s - Ais Krim ------------------------->>>> (Duta Aiskerim Malaysia-->DAFI?)
4. Ing -Insurans
5. Planta -Magerin
6. Lady’s Choice -Magerin
7. Lipton -Teh
8. Shell -Minyak ------------------------------>>>(habehla point bonuslink aku)
9. Knorr -Perisa Makanan
10. Dove -Mandian
11. Sunlight -Magerin/Pencuci Pinggan
12. Radiant -Deodoran
13. Rexona -Deodoran
14. Ponds -Produk Kecantikan
15. Kieldsens -Coklat
16. Slimfast -Produk Pelangsing
17. Lego -Kismis
18. Philips -Barangan Elektrik
19. Duyvis -Makanan Ringan
20. Gouda -Keju
21. Robin -Pencuci Lantai/Pakaian
22. Ariel -Pencuci Lantai/Pakaian
23. Omo -Pencuci Lantai/Pakaian
24. Labello -Lip Balm
25. Pickwick -Teh
26. Venz -Mentega Coklat
27. Kinder Bueno -Coklat
28. Unilever -Syarikat
29. Dumex -Susu Tepung
30. Nutricia -Susu Bayi
31. Sunsilk -Shampoo
32. Fair & Lovely -Produk Kecantikan
33. Lux -Mandian
34. Vaseline -Lip Balm
35. Cif -Pencuci Lantai
36. Surf -Pencuci Kain
37. Wishbone -Pencuci Kain
38. Doriana - Keju Krim
39. Bertolli -Minyak Masak
40. Clear -Shampoo
41. Breeze -Pencuci Kain
42. Sun -Pencuci Kain