Day 1,departure from syed kechik building at 8am by persiaran bus.It is my first time to pangkor n i can't wait 2 c the beauty of its sand.n yeah,i'm blogging in the bus!

:: Rintihan Seorang Pekerja Profesional

Aduh, minyak naik lagi,rungut aku yang sedang dalam perjalanan pulang dari tengah ibu kota ke pinggir ibu kota.Kena isi minyak cepat-cepat ni sebelum minyak naik tengah malam nih, bisik aku lagi.Aku mengharapkan agar berita kenaikan minyak ini adalah satu gossip sahaja tapi aku silap.Berduyun kereta beratur di stesen minyak macam semut menghurung gula.AH!, aku protes lalu meninggalkan stesen minyak kepunyaan negara itu.Tercari-cari aku stesen minyak namun semuanya full house.Takpalah, minyak ada lagi separuh,aku menyedapkan hati aku lalu terus pulang ke rumah.

Sampai sahaja di rumah, aku terus bertelepuk depan televisyen, menunggu siaran berita kroni pak lah jam 8 malam.Walaupun aku tahu besar kemungkinan berita yang disalurkan pasti berbaur 'kesedapan' pada telinga orang macam aku ini.Mmg dijangka, isu minyak menghiasi dada televisyen.Yang buat aku tertarik adalah nasihat pak lah supaya aku "UBAH GAYA HIDUP". Aku terpikir,macam mana ye aku nak ubah gaya hidup aku sekarang?. Aku pakai kereta buatan nasional yang bercc tak sampai 1000cc,aku menyahut seruan kerajaan untuk membeli kereta buatan Malaysia, lalu dengan sedikit kemampuan, aku belilah KANCIL,dari tahun 2003 sampai sekarang, aku masih setia menggunakan KANCIL, kemudian pak lah kata lagi "UBAH GAYA HIDUP", dengan gaji swasta macam aku, aku tidak mampu untuk menyewa kediaman di tengah-tengah bandar yang rata-ratanya mencecah seribu RM!, jadi aku terpaksa mencari rumah dipinggir kota yang sewa hanya RM400 sahaja.

"UBAH GAYA HIDUP", dulu aku ke tempat kerja bermotosikal, tetapi kerana aku sudah berkemampuan, aku berkereta, adakah aku perlu bermotosikal semula?macam mana aku hendak mengambil anak aku yang baru berusia 11 bulan dari rumah pengasuh? hendak didudukkan di bakul kah? hendak diikat di belakang aku kah?

"UBAH GAYA HIDUP", dulu aku makan nasi + sayur + ikan, harganya tak sampai RM3.oo tetapi oleh sebab minyak dah naik, jadi tauke kantin pun menaikkan harga makanan yang sama aku makan menjadi RM4.oo, itu tidak termasuk air, kerana aku minum air masak.Pak lah kata "UBAH GAYA HIDUP" jadi maknanya aku kena makan nasi + sayur jelah supaya bujet aku tidak melebihi RM3.00!.Huh, betapa aku berkorban selera aku untuk menyahut seruan pak lah tapi kadang-kadang aku terfikir jugak..pak lah pun ada "UBAH GAYA HIDUP" juga ke?

Jadi aku memikirkan cara bagaimana lagi aku harus ubah cara hidup.Duit pengasuh perlu dibayar, bil perlu dibayar, AHA!, adakah aku perlu menggunakan lilin? membasuh baju secara manual? memasak menggunakan kayu? hmm, lagi macam mana lagi cara ye nak "UBAH GAYA HIDUP?", tol naik, minyak naik, jadi apa kata aku gunakan pengangkutan awam?tapi aku baru teringat, dulu minyak naik RM0.30, pak lah kata duit lebih kurang 4 billion yang dapat jimat tu hendak diperuntukkan untuk naiktaraf pengangkutan awam, tapi orang macam aku tak nampak pun,ke aku yang rabun, pengangkutan di kajang masih macam itu juga, jalan masih jem, tol tetap jalan, komuter macam siput, tapi aku kena juga "UBAH GAYA HIDUP!"

Oleh sebab aku sayangkan negara ini dan pak lah pun pesan supaya janganlah berdemonstrasi jadi aku kena tekadkan azam supaya "UBAH GAYA HIDUP". dan aku berharap, orang-orang yang duduk selesa di kerusi parlimen turut "UBAH GAYA HIDUP", cuma terkesankah kempen ini? hanya ALLAH yang MAHA MENGETAHUI

I was having a problem when it comes to confirm the user before delete the row using the imagebutton in gridview. One of the problem is the delete event is fire twice, meaning to say that the row is deleted twice. Here is my original source code of the gridview

Original Source Code in HTML code

<asp:GridView ID="gvProd" runat="server" SkinID ="GridView" AllowPaging="True" PageSize="5"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="461px" DataKeyNames ="PRODUCT_ID" OnRowDataBound ="gvProd_RowDataBound" >
<Columns >
<asp:TemplateField >
<ItemTemplate >
<%#Container.DataItemIndex + 1 %>
<asp:TemplateField Visible ="False" ><ItemTemplate >
<asp:Label id="lblProdID" runat ="server" Text ='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.PRODUCT_ID") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:TemplateField Visible ="False" ><ItemTemplate >
<asp:Label id="lblProdCatID" runat ="server" Text ='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:BoundField DataField="PRODUCT_NAME" HeaderText="Name"></asp:BoundField>
<asp:BoundField DataField="PRODUCT_CATEGORY_NAME" HeaderText="Category"></asp:BoundField>
<asp:BoundField DataField="FORMAT" HeaderText="Format"></asp:BoundField>
<asp:BoundField DataField="TYPE" HeaderText="Type"></asp:BoundField>
<asp:BoundField DataField="PRODUCT_PRICE" HeaderText="Price (RM)"></asp:BoundField>

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText ="Action" >
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:HyperLink runat="server" ID="hLink" Text ="Edit"></asp:HyperLink>

<asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="false" DeleteImageUrl ="~/images/delete.gif" />
<asp:ImageButton runat=server id="imgDelete" CommandName="Delete"
ImageUrl="~/images/delete.gif" CommandArgument='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container,"RowIndex") %>' OnCommand="ImageButton1_Command" />
(thanks to the online code formatter written by Jean-Claude Manoli) and for directing me to this formatter

After googling for the answer, I managed to solve the problem by removing the OnRowDeleting="gvProd_RowDeleting" in the above code and adds the code for delete function in code behind as below

On RowBound

Protected Sub gvProd_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gvProd.RowDataBound
If (e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow) Then
Dim LnkEdit As HyperLink = CType(e.Row.FindControl("hLink"), HyperLink)
Dim lblProdID As Label = e.Row.FindControl("lblProdID")
Dim lblProdCatID As Label = e.Row.FindControl("lblProdCatID")
Cache("lblProdID") = lblProdID.Text
Cache("lblProdCatID") = lblProdCatID.Text
LnkEdit.NavigateUrl = "ProductManagements.aspx?action=editprod&ProdID=" & lblProdID.Text & "&CatID=" & lblProdCatID.Text
'Delete button
Dim imgDel As ImageButton = CType(e.Row.FindControl("imgDelete"), ImageButton)
imgDel.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return confirm ('You are about to delete " + DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "PRODUCT_NAME") + ".');")
End If
End Sub

On ImageButtonCommand

Protected Sub ImageButton1_Command(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CommandEventArgs)
End Sub

OnRowDeleting Command

Sub sbDeleteProds(ByVal ProdID)
Dim success As String = prodcat.fnDeleteProdByType(glb.Product, ProdID)
End Sub
Protected Sub gvProd_RowDeleting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewDeleteEventArgs) Handles gvProd.RowDeleting
If Cache.Item("Adv") <> "" Then
End If
End Sub


and TAdaaaaa..finally it works for me and the row is deleted once.

4:52 PM

Finally after 2 years struggling between study + career + getting married + having kid, I'd completed my master thesis. So, what is my plans after this? What is I want the most? What makes me happy?
Questions, questions and more questions...Am i going to carry on what i'm doing right now or it is the best time to change your career path? are you satify with yourself? do you want to spent more time with your family? or you just prefer to work from home? if that so? what you are going to do? what business are you most likely being doing it?

I'd training at Armcorp Mall. On my last day of training, I'd decided to have my lunch at Sri Melaka located in Armcorp Mall building, level 3 if I'm not mistaken..I tried a basic menu which is assam laksa (must be their specialities) plus syark fin soup..

The assam laksa is great but not the soup :( small bowl of it cost me nearly RM20. tapi nak try punya pasal..just close my eyes ajer la..

Fruit Salad

Syark Fin + Crab Soup (tapi yang banyak Crab :( )

Assam Laksa ..erm yum yum

Overall..bolehla kalau nak makan sekali sekala..

Besides Sate Hj Samuri at Kajang, there are lots of places you can eat at Kajang. One of them is "Station Kopitiam" located at MetroPoint near the Hospital Kajang, which being Kajang's new landmark...

I'd the opportunity to eat there since I'm a food lover and I like to try new places to eat. Not bad la, the place is very comfortable, convenient, and very privacy. Sitting there like i was sitting in the first class express train. And here is what i ate

nasi petai udang @ (+-) RM 6.00

tomyam seafood (+-) RM 6.00

mocca tiramisu (+-) RM 6.00

The food is good, the serving is fast..but only one thing that I regret...the waiter! aaa please la..put some deodorant la.....smelly la..I'm bit of losing my appetite but I was so hungry I telan je la..and why the management have to hire bangla as the waiter a..I don;t mind he/she bangla or what so ever, but make sure the waiter/ waitress can speak and understand Englishla..baru boleh amik order..isk isk isK

That's is my final project 2 new title after my last presentation of 3D visualization of high- rise building in WebGIS. At last!. So far the comments is more into my report formatting.But I'm so grateful that every effort and time i've been sacrifies to complete my master is worth it.



dedicate to : my mOm lovE u

Station kopitiam@metropoint kajang,
I ate nasi petai seafood

This are the list of products produced by Dutch/Belanda

(taken from

1. Dutch Lady - Susu

2. Ferrero Roche - Coklat

3. Wall’s - Ais Krim ------------------------->>>> (Duta Aiskerim Malaysia-->DAFI?)

4. Ing -Insurans

5. Planta -Magerin

6. Lady’s Choice -Magerin

7. Lipton -Teh

8. Shell -Minyak ------------------------------>>>(habehla point bonuslink aku)

9. Knorr -Perisa Makanan

10. Dove -Mandian

11. Sunlight -Magerin/Pencuci Pinggan

12. Radiant -Deodoran

13. Rexona -Deodoran

14. Ponds -Produk Kecantikan

15. Kieldsens -Coklat

16. Slimfast -Produk Pelangsing

17. Lego -Kismis

18. Philips -Barangan Elektrik

19. Duyvis -Makanan Ringan

20. Gouda -Keju

21. Robin -Pencuci Lantai/Pakaian

22. Ariel -Pencuci Lantai/Pakaian

23. Omo -Pencuci Lantai/Pakaian

24. Labello -Lip Balm

25. Pickwick -Teh

26. Venz -Mentega Coklat

27. Kinder Bueno -Coklat

28. Unilever -Syarikat

29. Dumex -Susu Tepung

30. Nutricia -Susu Bayi

31. Sunsilk -Shampoo

32. Fair & Lovely -Produk Kecantikan

33. Lux -Mandian

34. Vaseline -Lip Balm

35. Cif -Pencuci Lantai

36. Surf -Pencuci Kain

37. Wishbone -Pencuci Kain

38. Doriana - Keju Krim

39. Bertolli -Minyak Masak

40. Clear -Shampoo

41. Breeze -Pencuci Kain

42. Sun -Pencuci Kain


Recently, I bought this item through "". I find it quite interesting and quite cute for my baby..The price is also not so bad..RM7.00 per piece and you save RM1 if you buy it for two..but if you buy it from, the price might be slight higher in which the selling price is RM18 per piece including postage..and here's the demo

Description (taken from the web)
"The Gardenbug Wrist Rattle encourages discovery! Bright, colourful patterns and faces with fun sounds reward exploration. Ideal for developing hand-to-eye coordinator skills and encourage hand regard. Ideal when babies are showing the emerging ability of looking at fingers and hands."

So from my experience point of views,my amir seems not to interested to looking at this "bugs"..but his parents do!! heheheheheh

Master Thesis Report - Tips on writing a good report

Hi all.. Today I want to share to you all some tips on how to write a master thesis report. For those who are taking master program in UTM KL..good luCk in your presentations..

Aims --> What's your project aims? Each of this aims should have their own literature review.. and each of this literature review should have their own methodology and of course each methodology ended up with the implementations..and of course you need to give your own opinion in which we call it "disscussion" and last but not least..each of them need a conclusion...

The writing structure is like a MLM scheme in which the aims had the downline and these downline need to contribute in order to make the aim is fulfilled..

and what it has to do with me anyway? aaaAAAAAaAAAAAAAAaa

5:18 PM

jantung aku dah genap berdenyuT selama 29 tahun hari nih...:)

:: pejam celik pejam celik dah 9 bulan dah ::