Hmm, I really don't want to talk about this matter since it's very common topic that even ordinary people already knew about it. But since I already jump into another
company in which I realized that there's a lot of unexpected hole while handling a medium-size project (for me is not worth at all!).
So, here I listed out the very basic role for project manager.
These 3 activities are the very basic and compulsory activities in order to fulfill the identified objectives, talking about the identified objectives, the PM should have a very
clear view of what's the scope, limit, constraint about the project he/she's going handle.
Sometimes, most of the project manager in Malaysia tend to follows all the client's
need without having a proper documentation like if the client's want to change anything that's already confirm, the project manager should send the client a proper document
such as "Change Request Form" which include all the cost that should be borned by the client.
Project Manager should also have a very good knowledge in techical, theorical and managerial skill to satisfy the project requirement. and please don't depends to much on
your team leader! He/She must have the abilities to coordinates and intergrates team and individual efforts so that a professional team can be build..
Last but not least, here is a checklist I gained from a book I bought "IT Project Management" written by "Kathy Schwalbe"
Are you need what it's takes to become a project manager?
Answer this and find out whether you can!
1. Can you define scope of project?
2. Can you identify the stakeholder, decision-makers, and escalation procedures?
3.Can you estimate time requirements?
4.Can you develop the detailed task list (WBS structure)?
5. Can you develop the initial project management flowchart?
6. Can you identified the requirement of resources and budgets?
7. Can you evaluate the project requirements?
8. Can you identified and evaluate the risks?
9. Can you prepared the contigency plan?
10.Can you identified interdependencies?
11. Can you identified and track the critical milestones?
12.Can you participate in project phase review?
13.Can you secure the needed resources?
14.Can you manage the change control process?
15.Can you report the project status?
.. have a nice day ahead!
ps:amacam bos..bole jawap ka?
On last cuti thaipusam, we all went outing, actually tak bercadang pun nak ke taman tasik titiwangsa, sebab duwe dah janji ngan abang dia nak ke umah dia, tapi when we reach kl, abg dia call kata ada kejer, tu yang ke taman tasik titiwangsa, kebetulan pulak ada pertandingan memancing, duwe dulu penah pancing ikan, aku pun penah la join dier pancing ikan, tapi sampai skrang aku tak leh lupa umpan yang duwe pakai tuk pancing ikan, kalau amir ada, amir pun mesti gelak guling2..hihihihihihihi..setakat umpan udang sehalus benang, saper lalu nak makan..
so dah sampai tengahari, event pun dah nak tamat, aku sempat amik gambar ikan besar yang ada kat dalam tasik tu,...
lepas tu kitarang lepak bawah pokOk, aku main guling2 ngan amir
::update pertama tuk year 2009...
welcome welcome...
so sekarang nih til february 2009 aku dah selamat bekerja ditempat baru for the past 7 month!..tapi terasa macam lama giler kerja kat kompeni nih... projek yang sepatutnya siap thn lepas dah due 2 bulan..sumer gara2 argH..buat sakit hati je citer..dah ckp tak nak dengar..tak nak pakai..last2 aku jugak yang sakit nak siapkan..
so bila aku dah deal ngan data yang berlambak..barulah tau tinggi rendah langit tuhh..hihihihi..dari segi scripting takder la havoc sgt since client ada rules yang kena follow..tapi apa yang aku belajar adalah.. u must have a good database design before running your webi reports..
tapi kalau dah database design dah caca merba..maka report yg kuar pung jadi rojak.. aku dah pickup benda baru dalam career aku.. and this year pulak..aku akan fulfillkan insyallah aku akan dapat target aku macam azam aku tahun lepas..
amir tahun nih dah 2 tahun..tahun nih jugak aku abeh satu hutang keta..hahahhahahha..tinggal utang umah jer insyallah...kemdian..aku nak utilise skil aku..apa skil aku?..
aku baru balik dari kinakuniya klcc..tunggu client berejam2 tak nmpk lubang idung..last2 habeh beratus beli buku..buku amir la yang aku beli most...hihihih..coMel..nnt aku review kat sini..
untill now ...
have fuN !!!!
:: Rintihan Seorang Pekerja Profesional
Aduh, minyak naik lagi,rungut aku yang sedang dalam perjalanan pulang dari tengah ibu kota ke pinggir ibu kota.Kena isi minyak cepat-cepat ni sebelum minyak naik tengah malam nih, bisik aku lagi.Aku mengharapkan agar berita kenaikan minyak ini adalah satu gossip sahaja tapi aku silap.Berduyun kereta beratur di stesen minyak macam semut menghurung gula.AH!, aku protes lalu meninggalkan stesen minyak kepunyaan negara itu.Tercari-cari aku stesen minyak namun semuanya full house.Takpalah, minyak ada lagi separuh,aku menyedapkan hati aku lalu terus pulang ke rumah.
Sampai sahaja di rumah, aku terus bertelepuk depan televisyen, menunggu siaran berita kroni pak lah jam 8 malam.Walaupun aku tahu besar kemungkinan berita yang disalurkan pasti berbaur 'kesedapan' pada telinga orang macam aku ini.Mmg dijangka, isu minyak menghiasi dada televisyen.Yang buat aku tertarik adalah nasihat pak lah supaya aku "UBAH GAYA HIDUP". Aku terpikir,macam mana ye aku nak ubah gaya hidup aku sekarang?. Aku pakai kereta buatan nasional yang bercc tak sampai 1000cc,aku menyahut seruan kerajaan untuk membeli kereta buatan Malaysia, lalu dengan sedikit kemampuan, aku belilah KANCIL,dari tahun 2003 sampai sekarang, aku masih setia menggunakan KANCIL, kemudian pak lah kata lagi "UBAH GAYA HIDUP", dengan gaji swasta macam aku, aku tidak mampu untuk menyewa kediaman di tengah-tengah bandar yang rata-ratanya mencecah seribu RM!, jadi aku terpaksa mencari rumah dipinggir kota yang sewa hanya RM400 sahaja.
"UBAH GAYA HIDUP", dulu aku ke tempat kerja bermotosikal, tetapi kerana aku sudah berkemampuan, aku berkereta, adakah aku perlu bermotosikal semula?macam mana aku hendak mengambil anak aku yang baru berusia 11 bulan dari rumah pengasuh? hendak didudukkan di bakul kah? hendak diikat di belakang aku kah?
"UBAH GAYA HIDUP", dulu aku makan nasi + sayur + ikan, harganya tak sampai RM3.oo tetapi oleh sebab minyak dah naik, jadi tauke kantin pun menaikkan harga makanan yang sama aku makan menjadi RM4.oo, itu tidak termasuk air, kerana aku minum air masak.Pak lah kata "UBAH GAYA HIDUP" jadi maknanya aku kena makan nasi + sayur jelah supaya bujet aku tidak melebihi RM3.00!.Huh, betapa aku berkorban selera aku untuk menyahut seruan pak lah tapi kadang-kadang aku terfikir jugak..pak lah pun ada "UBAH GAYA HIDUP" juga ke?
Jadi aku memikirkan cara bagaimana lagi aku harus ubah cara hidup.Duit pengasuh perlu dibayar, bil perlu dibayar, AHA!, adakah aku perlu menggunakan lilin? membasuh baju secara manual? memasak menggunakan kayu? hmm, lagi macam mana lagi cara ye nak "UBAH GAYA HIDUP?", tol naik, minyak naik, jadi apa kata aku gunakan pengangkutan awam?tapi aku baru teringat, dulu minyak naik RM0.30, pak lah kata duit lebih kurang 4 billion yang dapat jimat tu hendak diperuntukkan untuk naiktaraf pengangkutan awam, tapi orang macam aku tak nampak pun,ke aku yang rabun, pengangkutan di kajang masih macam itu juga, jalan masih jem, tol tetap jalan, komuter macam siput, tapi aku kena juga "UBAH GAYA HIDUP!"
Oleh sebab aku sayangkan negara ini dan pak lah pun pesan supaya janganlah berdemonstrasi jadi aku kena tekadkan azam supaya "UBAH GAYA HIDUP". dan aku berharap, orang-orang yang duduk selesa di kerusi parlimen turut "UBAH GAYA HIDUP", cuma terkesankah kempen ini? hanya ALLAH yang MAHA MENGETAHUI
Posted In
I was having a problem when it comes to confirm the user before delete the row using the imagebutton in gridview. One of the problem is the delete event is fire twice, meaning to say that the row is deleted twice. Here is my original source code of the gridview
Original Source Code in HTML code
<asp:GridView ID="gvProd" runat="server" SkinID ="GridView" AllowPaging="True" PageSize="5"(thanks to the online code formatter written by Jean-Claude Manoli) and for directing me to this formatter
AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="461px" DataKeyNames ="PRODUCT_ID" OnRowDataBound ="gvProd_RowDataBound" >
<Columns >
<asp:TemplateField >
<ItemTemplate >
<%#Container.DataItemIndex + 1 %>
<asp:TemplateField Visible ="False" ><ItemTemplate >
<asp:Label id="lblProdID" runat ="server" Text ='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.PRODUCT_ID") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:TemplateField Visible ="False" ><ItemTemplate >
<asp:Label id="lblProdCatID" runat ="server" Text ='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:BoundField DataField="PRODUCT_NAME" HeaderText="Name"></asp:BoundField>
<asp:BoundField DataField="PRODUCT_CATEGORY_NAME" HeaderText="Category"></asp:BoundField>
<asp:BoundField DataField="FORMAT" HeaderText="Format"></asp:BoundField>
<asp:BoundField DataField="TYPE" HeaderText="Type"></asp:BoundField>
<asp:BoundField DataField="PRODUCT_PRICE" HeaderText="Price (RM)"></asp:BoundField>
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText ="Action" >
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:HyperLink runat="server" ID="hLink" Text ="Edit"></asp:HyperLink>
<asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="false" DeleteImageUrl ="~/images/delete.gif" />
<asp:ImageButton runat=server id="imgDelete" CommandName="Delete"
ImageUrl="~/images/delete.gif" CommandArgument='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container,"RowIndex") %>' OnCommand="ImageButton1_Command" />
After googling for the answer, I managed to solve the problem by removing the OnRowDeleting="gvProd_RowDeleting" in the above code and adds the code for delete function in code behind as below
On RowBound
Protected Sub gvProd_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gvProd.RowDataBound
If (e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow) Then
Dim LnkEdit As HyperLink = CType(e.Row.FindControl("hLink"), HyperLink)
Dim lblProdID As Label = e.Row.FindControl("lblProdID")
Dim lblProdCatID As Label = e.Row.FindControl("lblProdCatID")
Cache("lblProdID") = lblProdID.Text
Cache("lblProdCatID") = lblProdCatID.Text
LnkEdit.NavigateUrl = "ProductManagements.aspx?action=editprod&ProdID=" & lblProdID.Text & "&CatID=" & lblProdCatID.Text
'Delete button
Dim imgDel As ImageButton = CType(e.Row.FindControl("imgDelete"), ImageButton)
imgDel.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return confirm ('You are about to delete " + DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "PRODUCT_NAME") + ".');")
End If
End Sub
On ImageButtonCommand
Protected Sub ImageButton1_Command(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CommandEventArgs)
End Sub
OnRowDeleting Command
Sub sbDeleteProds(ByVal ProdID)
Dim success As String = prodcat.fnDeleteProdByType(glb.Product, ProdID)
End Sub
Protected Sub gvProd_RowDeleting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewDeleteEventArgs) Handles gvProd.RowDeleting
If Cache.Item("Adv") <> "" Then
End If
End Sub
and TAdaaaaa..finally it works for me and the row is deleted once.
Posted In
Finally after 2 years struggling between study + career + getting married + having kid, I'd completed my master thesis. So, what is my plans after this? What is I want the most? What makes me happy?
Questions, questions and more questions...Am i going to carry on what i'm doing right now or it is the best time to change your career path? are you satify with yourself? do you want to spent more time with your family? or you just prefer to work from home? if that so? what you are going to do? what business are you most likely being doing it?